Dr. Nandan Sudarsanam is a technical advisor for Quantel AI. He has domain expertise in the areas of finance, demographic and experimental data (across different engineering disciplines). Dr. Nandan is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Management Studies at the Robert Bosch Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RBCDSAI) at IIT Madras. The primary area of research for Nandan is in experimentation and machine learning, with a specific focus on algorithmic approaches in these fields.

During his PhD from MIT, he created new algorithms for experimentation, as well as the creation of meta-models from data which could be used to simulate the performance of various experimental algorithms. He has applied his techniques to various industries including commercial banking (Bank of America - Boston), automotive (Ford Motor Company - Detroit), manufacturing (Brakes India - Chennai), and over the last five years in high-frequency algorithmic trading (with Rackson Asset Management - New York). During his stint as the Head of research at Rackson Asset Management, he worked on large data sets and data analytic techniques which lead to highly profitable trading strategies.