Project Info

A single bad trade can wipe out your business. Is EagleAi watching out for you?

How many headlines appear in Wall Street Journal every year about Wall Street Firms losing a tons of money in bad trades due to human error or technical glitches? This will not stop ever as trading systems are becoming increasingly complex and they are bound to fail every now and then as human errors are bound to happen occasionally as after all people behind these systems are human. But if the businesses think differently, the problems can be mitigated up to 99.999%. Risk Officers can ensure the chance of their name appearing in Wall Street Journal in a negative context is very slim. EagleAi is one such system which helps in mitigation of risks. Serious problems can be detected even before it happens by knowing that trends starts deviating from the norm.

EagleAi's Advanced AI Engine

EagleAi’s cutting edge Anomaly Detection techniques is built for massive scale trading flows. EagleAi will silently watch everything that is happening under the sun and it will automatically learn to detect trends at the client, trader, symbol activity, desk, division and system levels. Abnormal trends i.e. deviations from normalcy that cannot be detected with human eyes or even with any rules based engines is detected by EagleAi. Furthermore, EagleAi’s proprietary triangulation methods identifies the reasons behind the deviations which will help Risk Officers take corrective actions in record time. EagleAi uses 3 or more Advanced Anomaly Detection models under the hood for each Trading Risk scenarios and it uses a voting mechanism to be certain that the issues raised by models have very high certainty of being a serious event or ‘True Positive’. Every ‘False Positive’ identified is used to further refine the model so that EagleAi learns to identify True Positives more accurately. So, you and your business can be rest assured the ‘Big Bird’ is watching out for you 24×7, 365 days a year and will alert promptly if something is amiss and needs immediate attention.

Expert Team

EagleAi team has years of experience in dealing with all kinds of Trading Risks in a large trading unit setups which have been reasons for huge trading losses or regulatory fines. The advanced AI engine powering EagleAi Trading Risk modules has been built with this expertise such that such losses can be prevented easily by employing EagleAi to watch out for these scenarios.

Free Consultation

We are just an email or phone call away. We will provide a free consultation to determine if EagleAi is right for you and if so, how we can work together to do a Proof of Concept for a low fixed cost before you commit to buying a license.

Lowest Cost

EagleAi’s pricing model can be based on a flat licencing fee or with a SaaS model where client’s pay more only as they use more. EagleAi is ready to be deployed as both an On-prem solution as well as on major cloud platforms such as AWS, GCE, Azure, IBM Cloud and Oracle Cloud.

Configuring EagleAi TradeWatch Trading Risk is Easy - as there are ZERO rules to configure

EagleAi doesn’t need to be configured with any rules. It is a self learning engine. All it needs is data to be fed and it is ready to learn from the flows across tens of trading risk scenarios and detect any impending problems based on an anomalous trend.

All the common Trading Risk Scenarios that either are required by the regulators or which has caused many firms to lose a lot of money in the past have been built in in EagleAi Trading Risk module. New trading risk scenarios are constantly being added in Trading Risk module as and when a new Trading Risk related loss was encountered by any firm in the industry or when new regulations are added. Furthermore, firms can custom configure more trading risk scenarios in EagleAi easily.